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Green and blue logo of an eSIM Solution from Lifecycle Software for telcos, MVNOs, Digital and communication services

Unlock the power of eSIM!

Our complete eSIM solution covers all components required for eSIM sales including offer Catalogue, optional Front End, Provisioning & Activation and optional CCS to charge & control usage

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We bridge imagination and connectivity

We have been breaking new ground in telecoms for nearly three decades, helping digital businesses to thrive and be as inventive as possible. Whatever the idea is, we use technology to make it happen.

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Expert Services

Our expertise to elevate your success 


The service wrapper we provide allows you to focus on your brand whilst relying on the resilience, availability and data driven support ensured by our teams.

We proactively monitor and maintain your systems, enhance security and continuously work to improve your performance. Our services include multiple levels of support and maintenance, consultancy, training and operational assistance.

Our scope of services is supported by a catalogue and held to KPIs. We work alongside customers to develop a precise plan of action to understand business goals and develop strategies to meet those goals, while mitigating risk and driving operational excellence.

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More than a supplier

A partner for life

  • Managed Services
  • Professional Services
  • Hosting
  • Service Catalogue
  • Regulatory Support

Our managed services specialists offer telecom operators the opportunity to delegate specific business operations. Lifecycle conducts Service Management according to ITIL based standards subject to annual internal audits. Benefits include cost savings, access to expertise, proactive maintenance, improved efficiency, scalability, and enhanced security. 

  • Flexible Team Design  
  • Reporting and Service Reviews 
  • Service Level Management 

Our experienced PS team is responsible for defining, implementing, customizing, integrating, testing, and handing over products and solutions.  

  • Expert Training  
  • Operational efficiency 
  • Retained Teams 
Whether you're inclined towards Public Cloud, Private Cloud, or an on-premises setup, we're equipped to accompany your journey with a deployment model that perfectly aligns with your requirements. 

The catalogue is a directory of the various services and offerings to align business objectives with the specific services that can address them. 

Get a sample of our service catalogue to see the full range of services, here.

Telecoms is one of the most tightly regulated industries in the world. Delivering connectivity involves ever-changing frameworks with numerous requirements. Applicable legislation includes GDPR, PECR, General Data Protection Regulations, DPA 2018, Telecommunications Security Act (TSA) and EECC, among others. At Lifecycle Software we automate processes and proactively monitor, apply and provide consultancy ensuring adherence to regulations, laws and guidelines, providing you with peace of mind, confidence and trust. 

  •  From contract requirements to transparent billing and handling customer complaints, we've got you covered on all fronts 
  • Data privacy and compliance are at the heart of our operations, ensuring seamless compliance and maximum efficiency 
✦ Featured ✦

Introducing Our Marketing Consultancy Services

Elevate your business with cutting-edge marketing strategies designed to revolutionise your offerings and hone your go to market strategy. Our expert team brings a blend of innovation and scientific precision to help you navigate the complexities of today’s market landscape. Transform your vision into reality with our comprehensive consultancy services.

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Elevating businesses

Maksim Solovjov | CTO - ONOFF telecom 

“The technical team understood exactly what we were after, and the solution was developed and released in just over 3 months, enabling us to meet business objectives and launch our innovative new revenue share model in very short timescales.”

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Get in touch with us

Find out more about how Lifecycle can help you accelerate your business growth and reach your goals.

Expert Services

Key Benefits

Centralized Incident Management
Service Monitoring
Accelerated Issue Resolution
Mitigate Risk
Maintain Platform Stability
Comprehensive Reporting
More than just a partner

Hear it from our team of experts

Kelvin square Kelvin Chaffer, CEO

"At Lifecycle, R&D means more than just building software - we are the engine of innovation! We are passionate about automation and transforming data into actionable, customer centric business cases that our partners' can quickly adapt to accelerate their growth."

Liz headshot S Liz Parry, CCO "At Lifecycle, our Professional Services are about building and expanding upon strategic and transparent relationships with our partners. We walk in our customers' shoes every day, which helps us reveal untapped opportunities and design solutions that deliver a strong competitive advantage for them"  
Jeff Headshot S Jeff Power, COO “Something incredible about Managed Services is how our customers can focus on their business goals -  we are your tech team, we cover all your technical and operational needs, adding value and maximising efficiency. It's a partnership and our customers really appreciate that.”  

Let's talk!

  • For innovative and fearless telcos
  • Enable connectivity out-of-the-box
  • End-to-End Solutions that meet your custom needs
  • Digital Automated experience from start to finish